
Our Treatments

Hair Transplant

> Hair Transplant For Men

> Hair Transplant For Women

> Beard Transplant

> Eyebrow Transplant

> Hair Transplant Techniques

Cometic Dentistry

> Dental Implants

> Dental Bridges

> Crowns

> Veneers

> Smile Design

About Us

Who we are

Max Hair Trans, a cornerstone of the Max Health Group, stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the hair care industry. Established in 2009 by three visionary entrepreneurs, the brand has its roots in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey.

Max Hair Trans has assembled a team of highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing unparalleled hair care services. The brand’s comprehensive range of offerings includes:

  • Hair transplantation
  • Hair loss treatments
  • Scalp treatments
  • Hair care products

Max Hair Trans’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and personalized treatments sets it apart in the industry. The brand’s state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest advancements, ensuring that clients receive the most effective and innovative hair care solutions.

Driven by a passion for hair health and beauty, Max Hair Trans is constantly pushing the boundaries of hair care innovation. The brand’s unwavering dedication to its clients has earned it a reputation as a trusted and reliable provider of hair care solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any question?

What is hair transplantation?

Hair loss can be a sensitive topic, but it is important to know that there are options available to help restore your confidence and self-esteem. Hair transplantation involves transferring healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp (or body) to the balding or thinning area. It is a minimally invasive procedure that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its natural-looking results and long-term benefits.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair follicles from one area of the body, typically the back of the head, and transplanting them to an area where hair is thinning or balding. The transplanted hair follicles will then grow new hair in the recipient area, resulting in a fuller head of hair. The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours to complete, depending on the amount of hair being transplanted.

Am I a candidate for hair transplantation?

There are several factors that determine if someone is a good candidate for hair transplantation. One of the most important factors is the amount of donor hair available. This is because hair transplantation involves taking hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it to another area. If there isn’t enough donor hair, then the procedure may not be successful.
Another factor to consider is the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Hair transplantation is most effective for individuals with male or female pattern baldness, but may not be as effective for other types of hair loss such as alopecia areata. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and understand that multiple sessions may be necessary.

What are the risks and benefits of hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is generally considered safe, but like any surgical procedure, it does carry some risks. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort in the transplant area. In rare cases, patients may experience infection or excessive bleeding.
On the other hand, the benefits of hair transplantation can be life-changing for those who suffer from hair loss. Not only can it improve one’s physical appearance, but it can also boost self-confidence and overall quality of life. Many patients report feeling more comfortable in social situations and experiencing a renewed sense of self-esteem.

How long does the recovery process take?

The recovery process after a hair transplantation procedure can vary depending on the individual, but typically takes around 7-10 days. During this time, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to ensure a successful recovery.
Immediately following the procedure, you may experience some swelling and discomfort, but these symptoms should subside within a few days. It is also common to experience some scabbing and itching around the transplant area, but it is important not to scratch or pick at these areas as it could damage the newly transplanted hair follicles.

What results can be expected?

The amount of coverage that is achieved depends on the extent of your hair loss, the density of your donor hair, as well as the number of procedures.

Much of the transplanted hair will shed within a month. Approximately three months later (90 to 100 days), new hair starts to grow and continues to grow at a normal rate. About six months after a hair transplant session, the transplanted hairs begin to take on a natural appearance and will continue to grow for a lifetime. The donor site from which the hair was taken shrinks to a small, barely noticeable incision line that is completely hidden in the surrounding hair.

View our gallery of before and after pictures.


What they say about us


I am very happy with the results i’ve seeing direct at the end of the transplant. Go for it, it can change your Life.

I will recomend to every one who need a hair transplant. Max Hair Trans is the place to go!

Valter / Google

Perfectly organized trip and meticulous follow-up before, during and after the intervention.
Even today I asked for advice from the coordinator who answered me in the second.

Reassured and satisfied! I highly recommend Max Hair Trans and his team 😁👍

Anthony / Google

I knew that I found the best place in Istanbul to get an hair transplant done. max staff was always making sure that I was doing OK during the whole time of the transplant surgery, the surgeons gave me excellent after care and medications which they clearly explained what to do in months ahead.

MAX staff are simply the best and they made the trip worth it 120%

Christopher / Google